This list is inevitably missing. If you would like to recommend a club with relevant sustainability practices, please do not hesitate to contact us.
KU Veganism

As Koç University Veganism Society, we were established to increase vegan options on our campus and to raise awareness about Animal Rights, Health and Environment on campus. We think it’s a concept. KU Veganism Society emphasizes sustainability in every event and campaign it organizes, such as the “Veganism and Sustainability Seminar” and the “Vegan Menu in the Dining Hall” campaign, and works to create this awareness.

KU Arha

In line with the founding aims of Koç University Archaeology and History of Art Club, the activities carried out within the club cover various sustainability principles. In addition to our club members’ archaeology and art history readings for our events and workshops, the seminars and interviews we organize aim to improve the ability to look from a socio-cultural and environmental sustainability perspective and raise awareness on sustainability in archaeological studies.

KU Aiche


Kuir is a student club which tries to establish solidarity amongst the LGBTQ+ community on and off campus. Through its efforts, Kuir promotes SDG4, SDG5 and SDG10 by conducting seminars, following an intersectional approach on our struggles, and ultimately by creating a safe space for the disadvantaged groups to be their authentic selves.


Focusing on one of the most important social development goals, SDG5 Gender Equality; KUSWE focuses to raise awareness about gender inequality and to encourage young women in STEM. KUSWE organizes career events for students to expand their perspectives about sector, companies and future; and creates social responsibility projects as well .The existence of KUSWE is compatible with the concept of sustainability as it encourages and organizes women to produce and contribute to diversity.

KU Economy Club

Koç University Economics Club is a community that organizes various seminars and activities for Koc University students within the scope of sustainable economic models. With its activities, it tries to draw attention to sustainability related topics, such as green economy models, circular economy, social and environmental entrepreneurship etc.

KU Comedy Group

KU Comedy Group, which set out with the motto of ‘The Humor of Everything’; raises the laughter and wellbeing of KU people with the activities it organizes on campus, off campus, online or face to face. Make your voice heard fun at open mic events, chat in every context of comedy art!

Climate Envoy

As of 10 November 2021, Turkey has become a party to the Paris Agreement. The agreement regulates the post-2020 climate change regime. The purpose of the Convention is to stop the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous anthropogenic effects on the climate system. As part of the convention, Turkey has committed to achieving its net zero carbon emissions target by 2053. During the institutionalization process, a Climate Envoy from 81 provinces and 209 universities presented their Youth Declaration stating their worries and suggestions for tackling the climate crisis in the Climate Council organized by UN Turkey, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, UNICEF, and Nature Conservation Center. This initiative supports climate action goals through new workshops and the Ministry’s action plan.