Law School

There are various of research at Koç University related to the sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals. This is inevitably incomplete. If you have any additions to the list, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Prof. & Dean / UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development

Bertil Emrah Oder

UNESCO Chairholder on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development

Member of the Executive Committee, UNESCO National Commission of Türkiye (UTMK)

Head of Expert Committee on Sustainable Development Goals under UTMK

The Mediterranean Urban Law and Policy Network (Research Partner)

TUSIAD Forum on Global Politics (Member of Advisory Board)

Global Relations Forum (Member of Executive Council)

Social-economic rights, institutional development, gender equality

Socio-Economic Rights

  • Oder, B.E. (co-author with Öztürk. M. U). 2017. Between Entrenchment and ignorance: on justiciability and salient issues of constitutionalized socio-economic rights from Soma to Cerattepe, Research and Policy on Turkey, Volume 2, Taylor & Francis, pp. 144-161.
  • Oder, B.E. (co-author with Sayın, Y., Lehavi, A. et. al.). 2017. Land Law and Limits on Right to Property: Historical, Comparative and International Analysis, European Property Law Journal, 6 (1), Gruyter, pp. 4-52.
  • Oder, B.E. (co-author with Juss, S. & Francavillla, D. & Özdural, S. 2014. Environmental and Social Impacts of Dams: Mapping the Issues, LSGL E-Journal at SSRN, Issue: 1, 1-22.

Institutional Development 

  • Oder, B.E. Coastal Cities, Urbanization, and Strategic Litigation: Turkey’s Civic Activism, ongoing research under the Mediterranean Urban Law and Policy Network.
  • Oder, B.E. 2022. Turkey’s Democratic Erosion: On Backsliding and the Constitution. Social Research: An International Quarterly 88(2), John Hopkins University Press, pp. 473-500.
  • Oder, B.E (co-author with Albert, R.). 2018. The Forms of Unamendability, An Unconstitutional Constitution? Unamendability in Constitutional Democracies, Ius


Gentium: Comparative Perspective of Law and Justice, Springer.

Gender Equality

Co-PI, FIERCE-HORIZON EUROPE Project (2022-2025)

Oder, B.E. 2019. Women and Constitution Making in Turkey: From Ottoman Modernism to a Constitutionalism of Women’s Platform, Women as Constitution Makers, Ruth Rubio Marin and Helen Irving (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 270-313.

Oder, B.E. (co-author with Bankoglu, A.). 2022. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği ve Parlamento: Kadın-Erkek Fırsat Eşitliği Komisyonunun Etkililiği [Gender and Equality and Parliament: Efficiency of Committee on Equal Opportunities], in: Yüz Yıl, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi [The Centennial: Turkish Grand National Assembly], Bertil Emrah Oder and Tolga Şirin (Eds.), Tekin Yayınevi, (forthcoming), 22 pages.

Assist. Prof. / Law

Bige Açımuz

Environmental and social sustainability in public policies, environmental sustainability in urban planning, social rights

  • “Devletin Yükümlülüklerine, Sorumluluğuna ve Yargıcın Yetkilerine Yaklaşımda Dönüştürücü Etkileri Bakımından Sistemik İklim Davaları [The Effects of the Systemic Climate Litigation on the Transformation of the Approach to State’s Duties and Liability, and the Powers of the Judge], (article in Turkish, under review)
  • “Sürdürülebilir Kamu Alımı: Kamu İhalelerine Çevresel ve Sosyal Ölçütlerin Dahil Edilmesi” [Sustainable Public Procurement: Integration of Environmental and Social Criteria in Public Tenders], Asos Congress, International Symposium on Law, Conference Proceedings, May 2021, pp. 97-123 (in Turkish)
  • “Chapitre 12- Turquie” [Chapter 12-Turkey], (co-authored with Özge Aksoylu) in D. Renders, J. Morand-Deviller, W. Spannowsky (Eds.), Mobilité urbaine / Urban Mobility, Bruylant, Bruxelles 2020, pp. 415-439. (in French)
  • “L’évaluation de l’approche stratégique à la planification territoriale en droit turc: souplesse ou arbitraire?” [The Assessment of the Strategic Approach to Land Planning in Turkish Law: Softness or Arbitrary?], in La planification territoriale stratégique: entre droit souple et droit dur, Etudes en l’honneur de Jean-Pierre Lebreton, Cahiers du GRIDAUH, 2015, pp. 7-17. (in French)
  • “The Values Underlying the European Social Charter” (co-authored with Olgun Akbulut), in S. Angeleri; C. Nivard, The European Social Charter: A Commentary, Brill Publications, 2022, pp. 264-292.
  • “The Right to Safe and Healthy Working Conditions in Turkey and the Case of Soma Mine Disaster” (co-authored with Canan Ünal), in L. Mola & J. Luther, (Eds.), Europe’s Social Rights Under the Turin Process, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli 2016, pp. 189-202.

Assist. Prof. / Law

Cem Veziroğlu

Affiliated Scholar at UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development (2021 – Present)
Member of the Environmental Regulation Research Group at the Law Schools Global League.

Climate change, Governance (as in the ESG)

Sustainable corporate governance, green finance, climate litigation

  • A panel on “Green Finance”, to be organized by the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development and NASAMER is planned for Fall 2022.
  • A panel on “Climate Litigation”, to be organized by the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development and NASAMER is planned for Summer 2022.

Climate change

  • Journal Article: The Climate Crisis and Private Companies: How to Address the Sustainability Arbitrage
    Problem? (submitted to the European Business Organization Law Review) (a blogpost on this paper was featured at FinReg Blog of the Duke Financial Economics Center)
  • Book Chapter: Sürdürülebilirlik ve Şirketlerin Kamuyu Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğü [Sustainability and Corporate Disclosures], Prof. Dr. Tuğrul Ansay Anısına: Anonim Şirketler Hukukunun Gelecek On Yılı, İstanbul 2023.
  • Conference: The Sustainability Arbitrage Problem and Regulation of Private Companies, Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance – 2022 Annual Symposium: Between Market Demand and Regulatory Scrutiny: The Parallel Pressures of Sustainable Finance, Yale University, 18 November 2022


Governance (as in the ESG)

  • Project report funded by the World Bank: “Time to Act: Social Entrepreneurship in Türkiye”, Turkey 2022 (with Z.D.Tarman et. al.) (forthcoming)
  • Project report funded by British Council, “The State of Social Enterprise in Turkey”, Turkey, 2019 (with Z.D. Tarman et. al.)
  • Project report funded by the EU, “Türkiye’de Sosyal Girişimciliğin Hukuki Statüsü: İhtiyaçlar ve Öneriler” [The Legal Status of
  • Social Entrepreneurship in Turkey: Needs and Recommendations], September 2020 (with Z.Dr. Tarman et. al.)
  • The Sustainability Arbitrage Problem and Regulation of Private Companies”, (submitted for publication on 15 March 2022)
  • A research piece about the working paper is featured in the FinReg Blog of Duke University School of Law’s Global Financial Markets Center:
  • Ongoing project: “Social Entrepreneurship in Turkey” funded by the World Bank Group
  • Completed Project: “Building a Social Entrepreneurship Network in Turkey” co-funded by the EU & the Republic of Turkey, Lead Applicant was Vehbi Koç Foundation