College of Social Sciences and Humanities

There are various of research at Koç University related to the sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals. This is inevitably incomplete. If you have any additions to the list, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Assoc. Prof. / Archaeology and History of Art

Alessandra Ricci

Sustainable cultural tourism; sustainable urban archaeology; ecology and climate in Late Antique and Byzantine Constantinople

  • Sustainable cultural tourism and the Kucukyali ArkeoPark: see publications on
  • Research on the urban orchards and urban agricultural sustainability in Late Antique and Byzantine Constantinople.
  • Sample article: Ricci A., A Resilient Landscape: The Land Walls of Constantinople and their Surroundings, Το Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρίας (Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society), Series 4, 39, 2018, 125-137.
Assoc. Prof. / Media and Visual Arts

Aykut Coşkun

Executive council member in KUFIS (Koç University Social Impact Forum)

Guest lecturer on Sustainable Design in various schools and universities (Middle East technical University, Istanbul Technical University, and so on).

Design for sustainable consumer behavior, Design for preventing food waste, Design for the circular economy

  • Coskun, A., & Erbug, C. (2017). User orientation maps: an approach to address user diversity in design for sustainable behavior. The Design Journal, 20(1), 131-152.
  • Coskun, A., Zimmerman, J., & Erbug, C. (2015). Promoting sustainability through behavior change: A review. Design Studies, 41, 183-204.
  • Coskun, A., & Erbug, C. (2014). Designing for behavior change: smartphone applications as persuaders of pro-environmental behaviors. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 31(1), 215-233.
  • Coskun, A. (2021). Identification of different user types for designing household food waste interventions. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Feb 2021.
  • Genc, H.U., Yılmazer, H., & Coskun, A. (2021). KNOBIE: A Design Intervention for Supporting Chefs’ Sustainable Recipe Planning Practices. Proceedings of Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Conference (pp. 1-6).
  • Genc, U., Yılmazer, H., Yıldız, M., & Coskun, A. (2019, June). Stop Wasting, Start Tasting! Design Speculations for Reducing Food Waste in Hospitality Sector. In Proceedings Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019. ACM. (pp. 171-176).
  • Coskun, A., Metta, J., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Çay, D., & Bachus, K. (2022). Make it a circular city: Experiences and challenges from European cities striving for sustainability through promoting circular making. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 185, 106495.
  • Bakırlıoglu, Y., Ramirez, M., Bensason, I., Yantac, A. E. & Coskun, A. (2021). Connecting the Dots: Understanding Professional Development Needs of Istanbul’s Makers for Circular Economy. EESD2021: Proceedings of the 10th Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference, ‘Building Flourishing Communities’, University College Cork, Ireland, 14-16 June.
  • Bakırlıoglu, Y., Coskun, A., Yantac., A.E., Ramirez, M. Cay, D., & Bensason, I. (2021). Enabling Local Circular Economy Practices through Maker Symbiosis: the Case of Istanbul. The 4th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE); Limerick, Ireland – 26-28 May 2021.
Assoc. Prof. / Media and Visual Arts

Çiğdem Maner

Cultural heritage, education, public archaeology

  • Ç. Maner, Ö. Dengiz Uğur 2021, Çocuklar (0-18) için Kültürel Miras Çalıştayı Bildiriler: Öğretmen Odaklı Uygulamar Bildiriler. Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Ç. Maner, Ö. Dengiz Uğur 2023, Çocuklar (0-18) için Kültürel Miras Çalıştayı II: Öğretmen Odaklı Uygulamar Bildiriler. Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Ç. Maner 2023. İvriz (Konya) Örneği Üzerinden Toplumun Arkeoloji Algısı. In Çocuklar (0-18) için Kültürel Miras Çalıştayı II: Öğretmen Odaklı Uygulamar Bildiriler, edited by Ç. Maner, Ö. Dengiz Uğur, 104-118, Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Ç. Maner, A. Menteş 2018. An Attempt of Community Archaeology in İvriz Village: The Role of Archaeological Heritage, During the Process of Rural Regeneration and Heritage Conservation/İvriz Köyü’nde Toplum Arkeolojisi İçin Bir Girişim: Kırsal Kalkınma ve Mi̇ras Koruma Sürecinde Arkeolojik Mirasın Rolü_Tüba-Ar 23/2018, 227-240

Assist. Prof. / Philosophy

David Killoren

Ethics, animals, relationships

Animal Ethics

  • Published several papers on animal ethics in top journals such as Philosophical Studies and is currently writing a co-authored book on animal ethics under contract with Oxford University Press.
  • The book project is about the moral significance of human relationships with animals. This work touches on key sustainability-related subjects. The book argues that we have many more relationships with animals than most of us realize and that these relationships give rise to serious moral obligations, including obligations to oppose one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases and other forms of pollution: factory farming.


Relationships and social ontology

  • The first part of the book project mentioned above develops a general theory of the moral significance of relationships. This theory has implications with regard to many sustainability-related issues beyond animal ethics. For instance, in environmental ethics, there are questions about our obligations to distant future generations, and these questions are complicated by what is known as the “non-identity problem.” Our theory of the moral significance of relationships has implications regarding this problem.


Political ethics, activism, and collective action problems

  • Published in these areas. These areas are clearly of major significance with regard to sustainability and environmental ethics. A major question in political ethics, for example, is about whether individual citizens have any obligations to address large-scale, seemingly intractable political problems, and if so, what the content and rational basis of such obligations might be.

Prof. & Director of VEKAM / Archaeology and History of Art

Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu


  • Member of the International Executive Committee : Association International de la Céramique Médiéval et Modern dans la Méditerranée
  • Member of the National Committee of International Turkish Art Congress This part is personel)



  • Advisor to Ankara City Council : Formation of a City Museum
  • Member of the academic council for the “Foundation of the Forced Migration Between Greece and Turkey “: Symposium and Publication :Common Cultural Heritage

Exhibition : What they have brought with them: The life of objects in a new world

Curator: The Formation of a Tekfur Palace Museum for İstanbul Greater Municipality

Educational, social/cultural, environmental

This is VEKAM Project

  • Educational: Cultural Heritage Studies for Children Workshops Project (ongoing annually)


  • Cultural Heritage Studies for Children Workshop Proceedings (published)
  • Cultural Heritage Studies for Children Workshop: Teacher Based Practices Proceedings (in press)

This is VEKAM.

  • We also have other projects and can send you further information if needed.


  • Ongoing project: VEKAM, Ankara City Council Membership
  • Architects who Left their marks in Ankara Project

Publications: Ankara’da İz Bırakan Mimarlar: Demirtaş Kamçıl – Rahmi Bediz

Ankara’da İz Bırakan Mimarlar: Vedat Dalokay – Nejat Tekelioğlu

Publication: Journal of Ankara Studies

Cultural Encounters in Anatolia in the Middle Ages Symposium Series


Cultural Encounters in Anatolia in the Middle Ages: the Georgian Kingdom and Georgian Art

Cultural Encounters in Anatolia in the Middle Ages: Ilkhanids in Anatolia

Cultural Encounters in Anatolia in the Middle Ages: Italians in Anatolia

Environmental: Juliopolis Project


Juliopolis Antropolojik Araştırmaları: İlk Çalışmalar, Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi

Multidisciplinary Research at the Ioulipolis Necropoleis: Application of Stable Isotope Analysis and Digitization of Archaeological Data, Dissertation by Elene Voyreba, Koç University

The Analysis of Graves and their related artifacts within ancient Juliopolis City Using Geographic Information System, dissertation by Ömer Güleryüz, University of York

Exhibition: Faces of Juliopolis

Digital Collection: Juliopolis Necropolis Digital Archive

Exhibition, Symposium & Book (Published): “Weaving History: Mystery of a City, Sof”

Prof. / Business Administration / Management and Strategy / Psychology

Zeynep Aycan

Leadership, work-life balance, employee empowerment, women at work

Leadership & Employee Empowerment

  • Aycan, Z. (2021). Next generation Leadership: Transforming the culture of power to empowerment.  Istanbul: Dogan Press, CEO+ series (in Turkish).
  • Aycan, Z. & Shelia, S. (2019). “Leadership, no thanks!” A new construct: Worries about leadership. European Management Review, 16, 21-35.
  • Shelia, S. & Aycan, Z. (in press). “Do you feel like becoming a leader?”The role of emotions in self- nomination for leadership. Leadership Quarterly.
  • Ertureten, A., Cemalcilar, Z., & Aycan, Z. (2013). The Relationship of Downward Mobbing with Leadership Style and Organizational Attitudes. Journal of Business Ethics, 116 (1), 205-216.  


Women at work & work-life balance

  • Aycan, Z., Eskin, M., & Yavuz, S. (2007). Life Balance: The art of balancing work, family and  personal life. Istanbul: Sistem Press.
  • Karakulak, A., Baskurt, B., Koseoglu, G. & Aycan, Z. (2022). Worries about leadership: Is it a  liability or advantage in leadership emergence for women and men? Frontiers in Psychology, 22,
  • Biricik Gulseren, D. & Aycan, Z. (2019). Health-life agreement: conceptualization of a new  construct and measurement. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 34(1), 38-61.
  • Aycan, Z., Bayazit, M., Berkman, Y., & Boratav, H.B. (2011). Attitudes towards women  managers: Development of a new measure. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(3), 426-455.
  • Yildirim, D., & Aycan, Z. (2008). Work-family conflict of nurses: A comparison between academic and clinical nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(6), 1366 – 1378.
  • Aycan, Z., & Eskin, M. (2005). Childcare, Spousal, and Organizational Support in Predicting Work-Family Conflict for Females and Males in Dual-Earner Families with Preschool Children. Sex Roles, 53(7), 453-471.
  • Aycan, Z. (2004). Key success factors for women in management in Turkey. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(3), 453-477.
  • Korabik, K., Aycan, Z., & Ayman, R. (2017). Work-family interface in global context. New York: Routledge.