College Of Administrative Sciences and Economics

There are various of research at Koç University related to the sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals. This is inevitably incomplete. If you have any additions to the list, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Assoc. Prof. / Sociology

Ahmet İçduygu

In addition to Prof. Ahmet İçduygu’s studies in sociology and politics of migration, he is also the Koç University coordinator for “The European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition – UNIC” and the project lead previously for the ‘Developing the Superdiversity Academy’ work package (2020-2023) and currently the “Building Communities of Researchers and Educators around Post-Industrial Transitions” work package within UNIC in the second phase (2023-2029). UNIC is an alliance of ten universities educating through teaching, research and community engagement, towards inclusive societies. The UNIC Alliance has secured continued funding in the 2023 Erasmus+ European Universities Call, continuing a journey started after a successful 2020 Erasmus+ grant designed to foster the quality, inclusiveness and competitiveness of European higher education and a H2020 SwafS grant towards collaborative approach and structure for Engaged Research.

Ensuring the sustainability of UNIC is at the heart of the design of UNIC. This includes working a clear joint long-term vision and building a governance structure that is future-proof. It also includes building joint collaborative structures that will be able to continue UNIC’s activities and pursuit of common values and objectives in the longer term. In the first period of UNIC (2020-2023), UNIC has built a rich diversity of activities and new offerings for students, researchers, staff, and citizens across Europe. It has enabled enhanced mobility through hybrid campuses and course offerings, started a joint MSc programme on “Redesigning the Post-Industrial City”, and offered an Engaged Research seed fund for collaborative research projects. It has created communities of practice and made available an open case repository through flagship “CityLabs”, which create opportunities for knowledge exchange between universities and the cities they’re embedded in.

International migration, return, climate migration, higher education

  • Demiryontar, B., & İçduygu, A. (2023). The politics around safe zones: a comparative perspective on return to Northern Syria. Third World Quarterly, 1-16.
  • Özçürümez, S., Hoxha, J., & Icduygu, A. (2021). Does social cohesion solve forced migration riddles? Troubled concepts and constrained practices in Turkey. Migration Studies, 9(3), 597-616.
  • İçduygu, A. (2020). Interacting actors: The EU and civil society in Turkey. In Turkey and the EU: Accession and Reform (pp. 173-186). Routledge.
  • Içduygu, A., & Nimer, M. (2020). The politics of return: exploring the future of Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Third World Quarterly, 41(3), 415-433.
  • İçduygu, A., & Kaygusuz, Ö. (2004). The politics of citizenship by drawing borders: Foreign policy and the construction of national citizenship identity in Turkey. Middle Eastern Studies, 40(6), 26-50.

Assoc. Prof. & Assoc. Dean / Business Administration / Operations Management and Information Systems

Evrim Didem Güneş

Social sustainability: health care service, health promotion, environmental: closed loop supply chains

  • Güneş, E.D., Örmeci E.L., Kunduzcu, “Preventing and Diagnosing Colorectal Cancer with a Limited Colonoscopy Resource” Production and Operations Management, 24 (1), 1-20, 2015.
  • Güneş, E.D., H. Yaman, B. Çekyay and V. Verter, “Matching Patient and Physician Preferences in Designing a Primary Care Facility Network”, Journal of the Operational Research Society,65, 483-496, 2014.
  • Çayırlı T., Dursun P. and E.D. Güneş, “An Integrated Analysis of Capacity Allocation and Patient Scheduling in Presence of Seasonal Walk-ins”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Flex Serv Manuf J 31, 524-561,2019 .
  • Güneş E.D. “Modeling Time Allocation for Prevention in Primary Care”, Central European Journal of OR, 17(3),359-380, 2009.
  • Sakarya, Sibel, et al. “Factors associated with patient activation in a Turkish population with diabetes and/or hypertension.” European Journal of Public Health 29.Supplement_4 ,2019: ckz186-225.
  • “The Relationship between Time Preferences and Adherence to Therapy in Chronic Patients: A Model and Field Study” ongoing project supported by TUBITAK Grant no 221M581
  • Guide D., Güneş E.D., G. Souza and L.Van Wassenhove, “The Optimal Disposition Decision of Product Returns” Operations Management Research, 1(1) 1-16, 2008.

Instructor / Business Administration / Marketing

Emine Aslı Mavi

Executive Education in Sustainability Expert Certificate Program: Facilitates 3 topics-Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability Reporting-Collaboration with Turkish Capital Markets Association (Türkiye Sermaye Piyasaları Birliği) and Sustainable Learning Development & Excellence Association (Sürdürülebilir Eğitim Gelişim ve Mükemmellik Derneği).

Certified GRI Professional (Global Reporting Initiative), consulting on Sustainability Reporting and Corporate Responsibility.

Member of Capital Markets Summit (Türkiye Sermaye Piyasaları Birliği Kongresi) Content Committee, Subcommittee for Sustainable Finance.

Member of Turkey Social Entrepreneurship Network (Türkiye Sosyal Girişimcilik Ağı)

Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Reporting, Social Entrepreneurship

UNIC Project Proposal on Impact Measurement and Management with KUSIF-Preparing for resubmission

Assist. Prof. / Business Administration / Marketing

Güneş Biliciler

Selection Committee Member of the “Design the Cycle” competiton’s 2022 themed “Design Reuse”, a series of Interdisciplinary Design Competitions for the Intiutive Economy

Sustainable consumption, environmentally-friendly consumer behavior

  • “Products that Stay with Us: Physical Mobility Leads to Stronger Preference for Durable Products” with Hanife Armut (Koç Uni, PhD in Marketing student)
    Manuscript is under preparation. It was presented in the following conferences:
  • Biliciler, Gunes, and Hanife Armut (2023, March), “Products that Stay with Us: Physical Mobility Leads to Stronger Preference for Durable Products.” Competitive paper, Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • Hanife Armut, and Gunes Biliciler (2023, February), “Products that Stay with Us: Physical Mobility Leads to Stronger Preference for Durable Products.” Data blitz, SPSP-Sustainability Psychology Preconference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Hanife Armut, and Gunes Biliciler (2022, October), “Products that Stay with Us: Physical Mobility Leads to Stronger Preference for Durable Products.” Competitive paper, the 5th Meeting of the EURO Group on Retail Operations, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • “Product Line Design and Pricing Policies in the Presence of Variability in Use Phase Behaviors of Consumers and Extended Producer Responsibility Programs” with Selçuk Karabatı (Koç Uni) and Burak Gökgür (Sabancı Uni).
    The project recently received TUBITAK 1001 research support. It is a new project, still at the initial stages.
  • “Previous Lives of Upcycled Products: How Usefulness of Upcycled Material Influence Evaluation of End-Product”
    The project is in the data collection stage.

Part Time Instructor / Economics

Mehmet Emin Arda

Involved in the preparations by developing countries during the negotiations for SDGs, particularly as a member of “Southern Voice” and “Network of Southern Think Tanks (NEST)” groups.

Former member of Association of Environmental and Resource Economists with some contacts still ongoing.

Intensive involvement with environmental and sustainable development issues including policy design, research, advisory and supervisory functions during employment with the United Nations, particularly between 1992 and 2007.

Economic policies, economic and social development, international cooperation and institutions

  • “Environmentally preferable commodities”, S. Zarilli, V. Jha, R. Vossenaar (eds.) Eco-Labelling and International Trade, Macmillan, 1997, pp. 348-356.”
  • ‘Being the environmental stick’ – an improper role for international trade”, Environment and Development Economics, 5 (2000), pp. 497- 501
  • “Shaping Sustainable Consumption and Production Agenda in Turkey: A Study on Economic Instruments to Support SDG 12” (with Jian Xie, Buket Bahar Dıvrak and Lelia Croitoru), Report from World Bank’s Turkey Environment and Natural Resource Management (ENRM) Technical Assistance (TA) Program, August 2017.
  • “International trade and sustainable development of rural areas” Actas oficiales del Congreso internacional sobre comercio y desarrollo rural Vicoria-Gasteiez 26-28 Noviembre 1998, Gobierno Vasco, Vitora Gasteiz, 2000, pp. 39-47.
  • “Towards an Action Plan for Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkey”, Southern Voice Occasional Paper 38, 2016,
  • “Global Development Governance at The United Nations: Major positions over 60 years and Turkey” in Emel Parlar Dal (ed.) Middle Powers in Global Governance, on behalf of Springer Nature – Palgrave Macmillan 2018.
  • “United Nations Conference on Trade and Development” in Greening International Institutions, J. Werksman (ed.) Earthscan, 1996, pp. 71-93
  • “The role of international organizations in local and global development”, International trade regulation, national strategies and the environment: Towards sustainable development? S. Hansen, J. Hasselberg, H. Hveem (eds.) University of Oslo, 1996, pp.169-180.
  • “Global trade rules for supporting development in the post-2015 era” (with Ana Cortez) in Global Rules for the Post-2015 Era: Ensuring an Enabling Environment for Development, Working paper version available on
  • “2020 Yılında Birleşmiş Milletler’de 2030 Gündemi ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları” Global İlişkiler Forumu Küresel Durum Raporu 2020, Gren Ajans, Ocak 2021, İstanbul, pp 19-26

Assist. Prof. / International Relations

Merih Angın

Her lab (MA-CSSL) has been collaborating with the UNDP’s SDG AI Lab on multiple projects, one of which produced the DS4SDGs course that she taught as an elective course of the Computational Social Sciences Master’s Program.

Social, economic & political, environmental

  • Angin, Merih, Beyza Taşdemir, Cenk Arda Yılmaz, Gökcan Demiralp, Mert Atay, Pelin Angin, and Gökhan Dikmener. 2022. “A RoBERTa Approach for Automated Processing of Sustainability Reports” Sustainability 14, no. 23: 16139.
  • Angın, Merih, and Defne Başbuğoğlu. 2022. “Yükselen Güç Çin’in Batı Balkanlar’da Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımları.” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi 49 (1): 149–178.
  • Working paper titled “China’s Role in the Global Governance of Climate Change” (with Ziya Öniş)
  • A Natural Language Processing Framework for Detecting Relevance with Sustainable Development Goals (working paper)

Assoc. Prof. / Business Administration / Operations Management and Information Systems

Özge Karanfil

The use of interactive simulations in MBA and health classes and integrating ecological and business sustainability concepts into management and medical education. Exploring the educational impact of interactive simulations in MBA and medical classes, with a particular emphasis on the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator, Fishbanks: A Renewable Management Simulation, Project Management Simulation, and World Climate Simulation. These simulations provide students with hands-on experiences in understanding climate science, sustainable policy negotiations, common pool resource management, and project dynamics. By integrating realistic scenarios and system dynamics models, these tools enhance learning in the areas of sustainable management of common environmental resources, climate, economics, and business projects. Our research aims to infuse and evaluate the effectiveness of interactive flight simulations and particularly the underlying complex systems models in promoting a shift in mental models, a deeper understanding of complex, real-world challenges and in fostering a commitment to sustainable practices in business education.

Resource management, project management, climate

  • Verguet, Stephane; Feldhaus, Isabelle; … Karanfil, Özge, 2019. Health system modelling research: towards a whole-health-system perspective for identifying good value for money investments in health system strengthening. BMJ Global Health.2019 Apr 1;4(2): e001311. DOI: 10.1136/BMJGH-2018-001311
  • Luvdeep Malhi, Özge Karanfil, Tommy Merth, Molly Acheson, Amanda Palmer and Diane T. Finegood. 2009. Places to intervene to make complex food systems more healthy, green, fair and affordable. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 4: 3, 466 – 476. DOI: 10.1080/19320240903346448
  • Sanser Guz, Gonenc Yucel, Özge Karanfil. Exploring the Causal Mechanisms of the Challenges Facing Public Health Insurance Models: A Comparative Analysis. Proceedings of the 39th International System Dynamics Conference. Frankfurt, Germany. 2022.
  • Gokhan Doğan and Özge Karanfil. 2002. “Long Term Consequences of Genetically Modified Crops in Agriculture”, Proceedings of the 21st International System Dynamics Conference, Palermo, Italy.

Prof. / Economics

Seda Ertaç Güler

Economic, environmental, social

  • Reşat Bayer and Matthew C. Rupert. “Effects of Civil Wars on International Trade.”Journal of Peace   Research. 2004. 41.6: 699-713.
  • Reşat Bayer, Ömer Faruk Örsün and Yaşar Şaşıoğlu.   “Independence and Trade.” Ongoing.
  • Reşat Bayer and Bijan Tafazzoli. “Intra-Autocratic Regime Dynamics and Climate Change: The Case of Iran.” Ongoing.
  • Özge Kemahlıoğlu and Reşat Bayer. “Favoring co-partisan controlled areas in central government distributive programs: the role of local party organizations.” Public Choice. 2021. 187: 301-319.

Prof. / Business Administration / Operations Management and Information Systems

Selçuk Karabatı

Ongoing TÜBİTAK Project:

An Integrated Approach to Product Line Design and Pricing Policies in the Presence of Variability in Use Phase Behaviors of Consumers and Extended Producer Responsibility Programs

Prof. / Economics

Selva Demiralp

Chair of Yapi Kredi Economic Research

Monetary economics, Covid-19 and economic impacts, central banking

Monetary Economics

  • Negative interest rates, excess liquidity and retail deposits: Banks’ reaction to unconventional monetary policy in the euro area (with Jens Eisenschmidt and Thomas Vlassopoulos), European Economic Review, 136 (2021), 1-29.
  • Did Government Support of Banks Boost Lending (with William Bassett and Nathan Lloyd),  Journal of Banking and Finance, 112 (2020), 1-16.
  • Reserve Requirements, Liquidity Risk, and Bank Lending Behavior (with Koray Alper, Mahir Binici, Hakan Kara and Pinar Ozlu), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 50 (2018), 817-827.

Covid-19 and Economic Impact

  • Role of institutional, cultural and economic factors in the effectiveness of lockdown measures (with Cem Çakmakli, Önder Ergönül, Sevcan Yeşiltaş, and Muhammed Ali Yildirim), International Journal of Infectious Diseases 116 (2022), 111-113.
  • The Economic Case for Global Vaccinations: An Epidemiological Model with International Production Networks (with Cem Cakmakli, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Sevcan Yesiltas and Muhammed Ali Yildirim), NBER Working Paper No: 28395
  • COVID-19 and Emerging Markets: Am Epidemiological Multi-Sector Model for a Small Open Economy with an Application to Turkey (with Cem Cakmakli, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Sevcan Yesiltas and Muhammed Ali Yildirim), NBER Working Paper No: 27191

Central Banking

  • The Liquidity Effect in the Federal Funds Market: Evidence from Daily Open Market Operations (with Seth Carpenter) Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 38 (2006),  901-920.
  • Anticipation of Monetary Policy and Open Market Operations (with Seth Carpenter), International Journal of Central Banking, June 2006, 25-63.
  • A Dynamic Evaluation of Central Bank Credibility (with Cem Cakmakli), Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Paper No: 2015, October 2020.

Prof. & Dean of College of Administrative Sciences and Economics / International Relations

Şuhnaz Yılmaz Özbağcı

Natural Resources , Energy, Water, Environment and Geopolitics


  • Connections between geopolitics, the environment, and security in Eurasia, with a focus on the sustainable management of resources exploring the energy-water-food nexus.
  • Graham, N. A., & Yılmaz, Ş. (2024). Energy, Environment, and Geopolitics in Eurasia: Search for Security in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Routledge


  • “Facing New Security Threats in an Era of Global Transformations: Turkey’s Challenges of Energy Security, Climate Change and Sustainability,” Turkish Studies,Special Centenary Issue: Reflections on the Centenary of the Republic of Turkey, vol.24, no. 3-4, February 2023, pp. 714-738.

Policy Papers & Reports:

  • Energy and Climate Security Priorities and Challenges in the Changing Global Energy Order (co-authors: Lorenzo Colantoni, Duygu Sever) FEUTURE Policy Paper, No.5.2, EU Horizon 2020 Project, September2017.
  • Energy and Climate Strategies, Interests, and Priorities of EU and Turkey, FEUTURE Policy Paper, No.5.2, EU Horizon 2020 Project, March 2017.
  • Türkiye’nin Enerji Verimliliği Haritası ve Hedefler (Mapping Energy Efficiency of Turkey and Targets), (co-author Metin Türkay, Belgin San Akça), KÜTEM Report, May 2012.

Prof. & Dean of College of Administrative Sciences and Economics / International Relations

Zeynep Gürhan Canlı

Corporate Responsibility

  • Yurdakul, Dicle, Seda Müftügil Yalçın and Zeynep Gürhan-Canli (2017), “Technology Adoption at the BOP Markets: Insights from Turk Telekom’s Focus on Inclusive Business,” in Sustainability in a Digital World, Eds. Thomas H. Osburg and Christiane Lohmann, Springer, 225-240.
  • Gürhan-Canli, Zeynep, Dicle Yurdakul, and Ayşe Seda Müftügil Yalçın (2016), “Business +: A New Sustainable and Innovative Private Sector” United Nations Development Programme.
  • Gürhan-Canli, Zeynep, Dicle Yurdakul, and Ayşe Seda Müftügil Yalçın (2016), “Kapsayıcı İş Modelleri: Pazar Geliştirme ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma İçin İnovatif Bir Yaklaşım, Harvard Business Review Türkiye, Temmuz-Ağustos, 92-97.